Style Guide for Magazine
For the authors of articles
The articles must reach the editorial board in the form of a document
attached to an email (in MS Word: *.doc or *docx format. PDF format will not
be accepted).
The maximum length of the text, including notes, should not exceed 6000
words. (Articles exceeding this limit will be returned to the author for
subsequent revisions). The text should be of standard A4 paper size and have
2.5 cm margins on all sides. For contributors hailing from Anglo-Saxon
countries, the format should be the following: 8.5 x 11 inch paper with 1
inch margins in all directions.
The text has the goal of presenting the work
in the clearest page layout as
possible, size 14, font Times New Roman, with a space of 1.15 between
each line. This same spacing should be used in the notes, detached
quotations in the body of the text (quotations of three lines or more). The
format of the page layout will be “justified”. We urge you at all costs to
avoid the rigid codes of page
layouts (including the layouts of notes).
Quotations of less than three lines should be incorporated in the main body
of the text. Those longer than three lines must be presented in the form of
a block separated from the body of the text, as well as the right and left
borders by two tabulations (1 inch) (in Word format “paragraph: indentation
left 0.5’’ right 0.5’’”):
Example 1:
Like Jean Starobinski’s remarque:
[L’hypogramme] is, for Saussure, nothing more than a material given whose
function, perhaps primitively sacred, is quickly reduced to a mnemonic
support for the improvising poet, then to a regulating process inherent to
writing itself, at least in the Latin-based languages. Saussure has never
claimed that the developed text was already existing in the theme-word: the
text builds itself on the theme-word and it’s there where something truly
different exists.
Example 2 (quotation of several paragraphs) by indentation for the
Jacques Roubaud, in his preface “L’analyse matricielle du langage”, thus
comes to echo Baudelaire in the aforementioned text and to recommend:
Behave vis-à-vis language, as if mathematically, and the language is,
moreover, mathematically in a well-specified direction. Language, if it is
manipulated by the mathematician, it is because of arithmetic […]
As to the relationship […] between mathematics and language [we are led to
suspect] the likelihood of the two conjectures.
The name of the author should be in 16 point bold font, in the upper right
corner of the page (still with “Times New Roman” font) followed by one’s
institutional affiliation in italics in 14 point font.
The title of the text should be in 16 point bold font aligned to the right
margin, three lines under the name of the author.
Example 3
Jean-Jacques Thomas
The State University of New York
Today’s Ideal of Commodity Novel
They should not include either quotation marks or footnotes. The epigraph
should be two lines under the title to the right of the page (always with
‘Times New Roman’ font) in a 14 point italic font, justified format.
Reference (name, title of book) must be present below the epitaph; the
translation, if necessary, following the original in brackets:
Example 4:
povo que chupa 0 caju, a manga, 0 cambuca e a jabuticaba, pode falar uma
lingua com igual prommcia e 0 mesmoespirito do povo que sorve 0 figo, a pera,
o damasco e a nispera?
[How can a people who enjoy the cashew apple, the mango, the cambuca fruit,
and the jabuticaba fruit speak a language with the same accent and the same
spirit as the people who savor the fig, the pear, the apricot, and the
Jose de Alencar, Asternam
Monsoum,1872 .
Indentations and tabulations of 0.5 will be used to easily distinguish the
paragraphs (blank lines between the paragraphs should be avoided).
Notes must be placed at the end of the text. The automatic footnote
generator in Word should equally be avoided (instead include the footnote
superscript in the text). Notes must be introduced with the usual number
sequence: 1, 2, 3, (and not roman numerals). Notes pages must begin on a
piece of paper separate from the body of the article but paginated in
continuity with it.
Each page, except the first of the article, must have a page number. It must
be centered, at the top of the page, and in 14 point ‘Times New Roman’ font.
Example 5:
long version
brings together poetry, form, discovery,
saying it and the strength of the poetic relationship. It wasn’t by
chance that, in a previous example
It is not necessary to include
a bibliography of “works cited” in a special paragraph at the end of the
body of the article; the authors must cite their references in the notes at
the end of the text according to the MLA 7th edition (the
abbreviations p. or pg with not be acceptable.)
The following examples will serve as a basic model for the references cited
in the notes:
Example 6:
Book with one author:
Griaule, Jean-Paul. Écrits sur l'Oulipo, New Orleans : University
Press of the South, 2009.
Book with more than one author :
Roubaud, Jacques et Florence Delay. Partition rouge, Poèmes et chants des
Indiens d’Amérique du Nord, Paris : Seuil, 1988.
A work in an anthology, reference or collection :
Ludovic, Martha. « The Eye of Power. » Power/Knowledge, Colin Gordon,
trans. and ed., New York: Pantheon Books, 1981. 46-65.
Article :
Meredith, John J. « À propos de Perec. » French Studies (VI/2,
2002) : 36-42.
When a reference is cited several consecutive times in a work’s notes, the
abbreviation Ibid, in italics
followed by the page number, will be used. See the example below:
Griaule, Jean-Paul. Écrits sur l'Oulipo, New Orleans : University
Press of the South, 2009. Ibid.,
The use of abbreviations (ibid, cf., i.e., et al., ca., ff., chap. (chaps.),
ed. (eds.), vol. (vols.), n., no. (nos.) esp.) will be reserved to usage in
parenthesis or in notes at the end of the text.
Titles of works in the French culture follow a particular tradition which
must be respected, even if the title is cited in English. For an essay in a
volume or an article, the first letter of the word of the title and all the
proper nouns should be capitalized (Ex: Repli sur la République: la nouvelle
donne des intellectuels français, translated as: Back to the Republic,
french intellectuals after communism); for book titles, the first word
and proper nouns begin with capital letters. All words appearing
after a definite article are capitalized until the first noun (Ex: La Plus
Belle Ville du monde, translated as: The Most Beautiful City in the world);
only proper names are capitalized after an indefinite article (Ex: Une si
longue lettre, translated as: So long a letter).
For quotations, use French style quotes (« »). But use international
conventions for the placement of quotes and of notes: placing them after the
punctuation (Ex:… , »9).
Exclamation points and question marks should be placed inside quotation
marks if they make up part of the original quote or exterior to quotation
marks if this is not the case.
All overlay graphics in the article should be prepared by the author and
shipped as separate files at the same time as the article itself. Six
illustrations max per article. The only acceptable format is “RGB color”
between 300 and 600 DPI.
All illustrations must appear in the body of the article with a key:
“[FIGURE 1., 2., 3.]” All illustrations must have a © indication with a
proprietary mention, the year of its validity as well as the nature of the
rights (see example 7). A special document signed by the author of the
article must indicate that he or she has the official permission of the
copyright owner to use this illustration in the context of this article (FPC
will provide, on demand, all necessary information on how to obtain the
rights of reproduction for a text or image).
Example 7:
Un dimanche à Orly [Sunday
in Orly], 2006. Encre
sur papier, 50 x 81. Par privilège de l’auteur et de la Galerie Samuel
Pingle. © Oluti Nover, 2014 et la Galerie Samuel Pingle, Nancy. Tous droits
Concerning the magazines being published on digital presses, the editors
will create an original “digiscript” which will be “camera ready” for
printing. Thus, there will be no “proofs” sent to the authors which will
facilitate timely publication. To assist the preparation of the article for
publication however, it is essential that authors send us a “.doc” or “.docx”
versions of their work which is as consistent as possible with the format
prescribed by the this style guide.
Each contributor will receive either by mail or as an electronic version in
PDF form, a copy of the volume in which his or her article is published.
Therefore with your manuscript please include, on a separate piece of paper,
a mailing address (including country) and a valid email address for the next
six months.
Thank you.
The Editorial Team
Formes poétiques contemporaines